Smita Maa


Meet Smita Ji (GuruMaa):
The Contemporary Mystic
and Tantra Master

Smita ji is a contemporary female mystic who is renowned for her profound wisdom and guidance in the spiritual realm. With her deep understanding of the mystical path, Smita ji serves as a spiritual teacher and mentor to many seeking enlightenment and transformation. She shares her teachings on the importance of love, compassion, and self-awareness in one's spiritual journey, inspiring her followers to cultivate these qualities within themselves. Through her compassionate guidance and intuitive insights, Smita ji has touched the lives of many and helped them discover their own path towards inner peace and self-realization.

Smita ji is a highly revered spiritual master with a deep connection to the Sri Vidya tradition of Tantra. Sri Vidya is a spiritual path that emphasizes the cultivation of consciousness and energy through the use of sacred mantras, yantras, and meditation practices. Smita ji's teachings and practices are rooted in the Sri Vidya tradition, and she has spent many years studying and practicing these ancient spiritual techniques. Through her teachings and guidance, Smita ji helps her students tap into the powerful energies of the universe and connect with the divine within themselves. Her compassionate and insightful approach to Sri Vidya has helped many spiritual seekers find greater peace, clarity, and fulfillment in their lives.

Early Calling
Smita ji was born into a family with a long tradition of spiritual practice and devotion. Her father, Param Pujya Swami DivyaChetnananda ji, was a renowned Tantrik master and guru who taught her the principles and practices of Sri Vidya from a very young age. Growing up in this environment, Smita ji developed a deep appreciation for the mystical path and a strong desire to help others find their own connection with the divine. Under her father's guidance, she studied and practiced various forms of meditation, mantra recitation, and ritual worship, honing her skills and deepening her understanding of the transformative power of tantra. Her early exposure to these ancient practices laid the foundation for her own spiritual journey and her eventual role as a teacher and guide in the Sri Vidya tradition.

Smita ji's childhood was marked by a deep sense of reverence for the spiritual path and a profound love for the divine. Her father's teachings instilled in her a strong sense of discipline and dedication, as well as a deep respect for the power and potential of the human spirit. Throughout her early years, she continued to study and practice Sri Vidya, gradually deepening her understanding of the principles and practices of this ancient spiritual tradition. Her devotion to the path of Tantra and her unwavering commitment to her own spiritual growth eventually led her to become a master in her own right, sharing her wisdom and guidance with countless spiritual seekers around the world. Smita ji's spiritual journey is a testament to the transformative power of dedication, discipline, and devotion, and continues to inspire others to explore the mystical path and discover the divine within themselves.

The Fateful Meeting

It was during her early years of spiritual practice that Smita ji had the good fortune to meet her own master, the great Baba Bhoothnath ji. Baba Bhoothnath ji was a powerful and charismatic spiritual master, renowned throughout the region for his profound wisdom and his ability to awaken the spiritual potential of his students. From the moment Smita ji met him, she knew that he was the guide she had been seeking, and she devoted herself wholeheartedly to his teachings and guidance. Under Baba Bhoothnath ji's mentorship, Smita ji continued to deepen her understanding of Sri Vidya and other spiritual practices, and she began to develop her own unique insights and abilities. Baba Bhoothnath ji's presence and teachings had a profound impact on Smita ji, and she credits him with helping her to awaken to the full potential of her own spiritual path.

His powerful and charismatic personality continues to inspire her teachings and guide her own spiritual journey to this day.

A Life of Service
Despite her mastery of spiritual practices and profound insights, Smita ji is known for her humility and selflessness when it comes to sharing her knowledge with others. She believes that true spiritual growth is possible only when it is pursued with a pure heart and a selfless spirit, and so she has always been committed to teaching without any fees or material expectations. Her teachings are based on a deep understanding of the ancient Hindu scriptures, ranging from the Bhagavad Gita to the Tantrik texts, and she has a vast knowledge of the various spiritual paths and practices of India. Her insights are grounded in years of personal practice and self-inquiry, and she uses a variety of techniques to help her students discover the divine within themselves. Her teachings have touched the lives of countless seekers around the world, and she continues to inspire others to pursue their own spiritual growth with passion and dedication.
Smita ji's teachings are rooted in a deep understanding of the mystical traditions of India, including Tantra, Vedanta, and Sri Vidya. She believes that spiritual growth is a journey that must be undertaken with sincerity, discipline, and devotion. She emphasizes the importance of cultivating a personal practice that is grounded in self-inquiry, and she encourages her students to develop a deeper connection with the divine through meditation, mantra, and other spiritual practices. Smita ji's teachings are characterized by a deep reverence for the divine feminine, and she often invokes the power of the goddess in her practices and teachings. 

She sees the path to spiritual awakening as a journey that is both individual and 
collective, and she encourages her students to support each other on their 
respective paths. Through her teachings, Smita ji has helped countless seekers 
to discover the joy and beauty of their own spiritual potential.

Baba Bhooth Nath ji

Baba Bhooth Nath ji was a great Tantra master of his time. He was known for
his powerful and charismatic presence, and his teachings were deeply rooted in
the Tantrik traditions of India. Baba Bhooth Nath ji was a master of many
esoteric practices, and he had a profound understanding of the human psyche
and its potential for spiritual transformation. He believed that spiritual awakening
was a journey of self-discovery that required both inner discipline and surrender
to the divine. Baba Bhooth Nath ji was a living embodiment of the teachings he
espoused, and he inspired countless seekers to pursue the path of Tantra with
sincerity and devotion. Although he is no longer with us, his teachings continue
to inspire and guide spiritual seekers around the world.

Legend has it that Baba Bhooth Nath ji possessed extraordinary powers that defied rational explanation. Many of his devotees claimed to have witnessed him
manifesting objects out of thin air. His teachings were often accompanied by
miraculous events that left his followers in awe. Baba Bhooth Nath ji was
believed to have received special blessings and grace from Maa Kamakhya, the great Goddess of Tantra. His devotion to the divine feminine was evident in his teachings, which emphasized the importance of cultivating the qualities of love, compassion, and devotion. Baba Bhooth Nath ji was known for his deep understanding of the esoteric practices of Tantra, and his teachings were infused with the grace and power of the divine. He inspired his students to embrace their spiritual path with sincerity and dedication, and his legacy continues to be felt by those who seek to unlock the transformative potential of Tantra.

Sri Vidya

Sri Vidya sadhana is a powerful tantrik meditation system that is centered around
the worship of the divine mother in her form as Sri Lalita Tripurasundari, the
supreme goddess of beauty 
and bliss.The sadhana involves the recitation of
mantras, the visualization of 
yantras, and the performance of elaborate rituals
that are designed to activate the divine energies of the goddess. Sri Vidya
sadhana is considered to be one of the most advanced forms of Tantra, and its
practice requires the guidance of an experienced guru who can help the student
navigate the intricacies of the path. The goal of Sri Vidya sadhana is to awaken
the inner divinity of the practitioner, leading to the experience of supreme bliss
and the realization of one's true nature as pure consciousness. The path of Sri
Vidya sadhana is not for the faint of heart, but for those who are willing to
embark on this journey with devotion and discipline, the rewards are said to be