
Sri Matre Namaha, my name is Aman Sandhu and welcome to my blog, a space dedicated to sharing my journey on the path of Sri Vidya and spirituality, guided by my beloved Guru Smita ji, also known as Guru Maa or Smita Maa. As I continue to walk this path, I will be sharing my experiences and insights through posts, providing a documentation of my journey. 

For those who are unfamiliar, Sri Vidya is a powerful spiritual path that is focused on the worship of the Divine Mother through the use of sacred geometry, mantra, and meditation. It is a path that has been passed down through the ages by a lineage of masters, and I am blessed to have found my way to it through the guidance of Guru Maa.

Through this blog, I hope to offer inspiration to others who are on a similar path, and to share the teachings and experiences that have brought me so much joy and transformation. So join me as we explore the depths of Sri Vidya and the beauty of spiritual practice together.